Arabic Union Catalog Journey
Individuals' packages
Are you a public member?
The individual packages offer a variety of training courses that can be of value to students, researchers, and specialists.
Arab publisher's membership
Are you an Arab publisher?
It is an annual membership to the Unified Arab Catalog directed at publishing institutions that enables them to benefit from a variety of services in order to market their publications and support
Libraries & organizations membership
Are you a library?
Arabic Union Catalog provides libraries with a comprehensive package of essential services. Libraries with catalogs of all types will find this package useful. Members of the Union Arabic Catalog receive original cataloging, download cataloging records, add local data, and reference services
Arab authors' membership
Are you an Arab author?
The Arab Author's Service is a free online service offered by the Arab Union Catalog. It is designed for Arab authors and creators in all fields of knowledge, technical expertise, and artistic expression.
الخدمات الإضافية للمكتبات والمؤسسات

Bibliography on the topic of entrepreneurship

AUC-Talk's Workshops Series
Arabic Union Catalog in Numbers
مدونة الفهرس العربي الموحد
The Blog issued by the Arabic Union Catalog that publishes the most important articles that express the index's point of view regarding the technical treatment of the Arab information container with the aim of codifying practices and making the treatment conform to international standards.