What is your opinion about AL-Fahras services?

83% (40 votes)
13% (6 votes)
4% (2 votes)
Total votes: 48
Service Channels

This service is dedicated to updating and enriching authority data of the member libraries. Whereas, these libraries receive their authority records linked to their bibliographic records after the verification, update, and control process applied in the AUC authority file.

Specifications and Properties

Standardized authority entries according to the international standards and the best international practices.

Unified authority entries.

Authority entries conformed to the characteristics and nature of the Islamic and Arabic culture.

Authority entries corresponded to the Arabic grammar rules.

Standardized and unified subdivisions translated from Library of Congress Subject Headings.

Authority entries aligned to MARC 21 for authority control.

Authority entries which are electronically available and continuously updated.

Requirements for obtaining the service

After matching the authority entries affiliated to the database of the member library to those which are affiliated to the AUC, all matched authority records are sent to the member library by an electronic MARC file to be downloaded on its database.