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The Arabic Union Catalog Portal was officially launched on July 1, 2017, by Dr. Saleh Al-Musnad, the Director of the Arabic Union Catalog Center, and Dr. Lana Mamkegh, the Minister of Culture of Jordan. The portal significantly improves the quality of AUC services, particularly regarding search and record retrieval, as the search is now highly flexible and accurate. Moreover, the portal has been enhanced with aesthetic and interactive features, making it more user-friendly and engaging.


The Arabic Union Catalog's publications were showcased in a special exhibition that attracted a large audience. The senior officials who visited the AUC commended its role in serving Arab libraries and cataloging the Arab information repository. Along with the Arab Guide to Cataloging Using the Resources Description and Access (RDA), promotional and informational publications were distributed.


During a speech titled "The Arabic Union Catalog: 8 Years after its Launch," Dr. Saleh Al-Musnad shared valuable insights on the AUC's achievements. His speech highlighted the AUC's significant contributions to the Arab library community and its ongoing efforts to improve and expand its services.