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During the "22nd Conference of the Association of Specialized Libraries," held in Kuwait from April 19 to 21, 2016, the Arabic Union Catalog participated under the theme "Future Challenges of the Library and Information Profession."

As the keynote speaker at the conference, Dr. Saleh Al-Musnad participated in a variety of activities. The topic of his speech was the future of libraries and information centers in Gulf countries. Furthermore, he presented technological, organizational, and knowledge projects and initiatives that address their challenges.

Dr. Al-Musnad was honored by the conference organizing committee, and he and the accompanying delegation visited several important libraries in Kuwait.

On the sidelines of the conference, the Arabic Union Catalog organized a training workshop at the American University in Kuwait. The workshop focused on cataloging procedures using the Arabic Union Catalog. The workshop was attended by 20 trainees representing more than six entities. Additionally, a dedicated exhibition to the Arabic Union Catalog was held. Various informational materials about the catalog, including the registration magazine, were distributed in this exhibition. An introductory film about the AUC was also presented.

The Arabic Union Catalog booth witnessed a significant turnout from conference visitors, attracting 15 new members from Kuwait and neighboring countries.

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