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In collaboration with the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Arabic Union Catalog (AUC) participated in the Second Regional Conference on Intellectual Property (IP) in the Arab Region on July 1, 2017. On June 8-9, 2015, the conference was titled "Arab Libraries Keeping Pace with the Renewable Information Environment." Through its participation, the AUC hoped to strengthen and renew relationships with its esteemed clients, introduce its innovative and effective services, and attract new members. As a result, the AUC's booth received tremendous attention and interest from distinguished attendees.

On the sidelines of the conference, a brief training session was conducted to demonstrate the Arabic Union Catalog's search, download, and original cataloging capabilities, as requested by the Omani Ministry of Education. Additionally, Ms. Yasmin Ali, General Coordinator of the Arabic Union Catalog (AUC), was interviewed on television during the first day of the conference. She discussed the benefits and significance of the AUC, highlighting its member libraries. Overall, the meeting was a great success and exceeded all expectations.Top of Form


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