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Training courses on the Arabic Union Catalog (AUC) and its standardized practices were held during the 5th Scientific Conference of the Sudanese Association of Libraries and Information. The course was held in the conference hall of the Omdurman Cultural Center from October 6th to October 8th, 2015.

Training was provided on how to use the AUC database effectively for library and information specialists. The project involved Sudan University of Science and Technology, Nilein University, Shendi University, Omdurman Islamic University, Al-Rabat National University, University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, Bait Al-Baqarah University, Red Sea University, the Ministry of Youth and Sports Library, Zakat Chamber Library, University of Jazeera, Sudan Petroleum Corporation Library, Medical Sciences and Technology University, University of Khartoum, and Imam Al-Mahdi University. The collaboration between these institutions was extremely successful. All of them benefitted from this project, since they were able to achieve their goals and objectives. Everyone involved had a great time, and it was an honor to be a part of it. We are looking forward to forming future partnerships as a result of this collaboration.

The trainers were:

  1. Yasmin Ali Shaban – Arabic Union Catalog(Egypt)
  2. Dr. Fadl Abdul Rahim - Head of Library Department, Nilein University
  3. Dr. Wahid Mohammed Ali - Dean of Libraries, Nile Valley University

A total of 75 people attended the training course.

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