What is your opinion about AL-Fahras services?

83% (40 votes)
13% (6 votes)
4% (2 votes)
Total votes: 48

This service enables the member library, which do not have a library system, to have a user interface so as it can search and retrieve its collection OPAC through its customized Webpage on the AUC portal.

Specifications and Properties

Search interface that reflects all significant features of the library, e.g., colors, logo, etc.

Ability to preview this search interface via the library portal.

Various and advanced search capabilities that care about Arabic characteristics.

24/7 search availability.

Retrieving search results in record time.

Requirements for obtaining the service

A search and retrieval Webpage is created and provided specifically to the library, and an account of the local administration to this Webpage is given as well.

The library is assisted in uploading its collections, in case they are electronically available, on the AUC database upon an approved consent to make sure about the aim of this.