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By Allah's grace, the training program for the Arabic Union Catalog for 2017 has been completed. Over 500 trainees attended seventeen training courses covering a wide range of topics in libraries. Both technical and educational topics were discussed, including applying RDA rules to bibliographic and authority aspects, the electronic Arabic subject heading list, and the best use of Dewey Decimal Classification.

Additionally, technical courses were offered on BIBFRAME, digital content management, and the semantic web.

Many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Tunisia, Egypt, and Kuwait, provided direct attendance at these courses. In addition, a second set of online courses was also offered.

The last set of courses consisted of educational lectures aimed at updating specialists in Arab libraries on the latest developments in the field.

The Arabic Union Catalog would like to thank its members for their attendance and active contribution. This has strengthened cooperation, enriched collaborative work, and facilitated expertise exchange.

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