
The training program of the Arabic Union Catalog (AUC), for the year of 2017, has been successfully concluded today. The AUC training program offered some significant topics on Library and Information Science, and included 17 training courses attended by over 500 trainees. These topics contained some technical subjects, e.g., RDA rules and how to apply them in the bibliographic and authority sides, the Electronic Arabic Subject Headings List, how to employ and use the AUC in the educational process, and how to ideally use Dewey Decimal System.

Additionally, these topics contained some other technological subjects, e.g., the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME), managing the Digital Content, and the Semantic Web.

These training courses were physically introduced in many Arab countries, e.g., Saudi Arabic, Bahrain, Tunisia, Egypt, and Kuwait. Other training course were provided online as well. The latter were basically educational and informative ones targeting raising the awareness of the Arab librarians on state-of-the-arts of Library and Information Science.

On this occasion, the AUC takes this opportunity to thank its members to their attendance and the effective participation which enabled reinforcing the collaboration, enriching the cooperative work, and exchanging expertise.

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