
The Arabic Union Catalog (AUC) participated in the International Forum on "Public Libraries and Change Management", in Tunisia, from 24-27 January 2018. On the sidelines of the forum, the AUC held a training course on "cataloging the printed materials according to RDA rules and MARC format", from 22-23 January 2018. Additionally, the AUC introduced a presentation during the forum's events entitled "An Effective Access to Information for a Successful Sustainable Development: the Arabic Union Catalog Experience as a Model", as well as two workshops, one of which entitled "The Arabic Union Catalog in its New Phase as an Ideal Partner to Libraries", and the other entitled "New Services of the Arabic Union Catalog Portal". Besides, the AUC paid field visits to some major organizations in Tunisia, and signed a cooperation agreement with "Association of Lovers of Library and Book, Ben Arous" which comes in the context of strengthening the seeking of the two parties to serve the libraries in Tunisia. It worth to mention that the AUC aims, through these collaborations, at developing the cooperation with the various representatives of the culture and libraries sector all over the Arab World.

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